Plauen Civic Foundation – 2020 Projects

This year everything is different - including the handing over of the check to the associations that receive support from the Plauen Community Foundation. In recent years, the handover always took place on the stage at the Altmarkt at the Plauen Top Festival. This year there was no top party due to the corona pandemic and so the handover of the check was moved to the foyer of M & S Umweltprojekt GmbH.
The Plauen community donated an amount of 13,403 euros for the projects submitted. As every year, the community foundation did not find it easy to select projects. In the end, eight projects were selected that once again show how much passion the clubs put into their work for the people in the city and for the city. You can only thank all volunteers again and again for their commitment.
Plauen Civic Foundation – 2019 Projects

It has now become a nice tradition that the cheques from the Plauen Civic Foundation are handed over at the Plauen Lace Festival ("Spitzenfest") to those associations that are receiving project funding. This year, the award took place immediately after the parade to the 60th Plauen Lace Festival. 15 associations with 15 great projects were selected by the Civic Foundation's executive bodies. This summer, the Civic Foundation gave out almost 17,000 euros in funding.
Plauen Civic Foundation – 2018 Projects

17 clubs, 24,574.95 euros, huge joy, many, different and interesting projects - this is the best way to describe this year's awarding of funding by the Plauen Community Foundation. It is overwhelming to see how diverse the Plauen club life is. It's great what volunteers can do and this is where the Plauen Community Foundation comes in, which pays out a five-figure amount for the clubs in Plauen every year. The application is very easy and the clubs are using it more and more. At this year's top party, the board of the Plauen Community Foundation presented the symbolic checks.
Oberlosa village community
Rest area for hikers and cyclists in Oberlosa was created
Plauen Civic Foundation – 2017 Projects

At the Plauen Lace Festival, on 18th June 2017, the members of the Board of Directors handed over symbolic cheques to the Plauen associations. 18 projects were selected from a large number of applications. Committed Plauen associations can look forward to a total of €23,148 and can implement their projects.
Plauen Civic Foundation – 2016 Projects
Funds totalling 26,057 Euros were awarded in 2016

It's already become a tradition that the community foundation for the main Plauen festival, the largest urban festival in the region, hands over symbolic checks to Plauener clubs. About 30 clubs applied. The members of the Community Foundation chose 17 projects from the applications. The selection is based on a study of project proposals and following discussions with the clubs. All clubs came to speak with the community foundation, to present their projects and answer questions. A complex procedure for the honorary foundation representatives, however, they got a good insight into the activities of the clubs and their project proposals. This year, 26,057 Euros were awarded, much to the pleasure of Plauener clubs from the fields of education, sports, social, art / culture and nature / education. Checks were presented by board members Beate Schad and Ilona Gogsch. You can find out which teams were awarded here.
1. FC Wacker manages bus for athletes
Plauen Civic Foundation – 2015 Projects

This year, the community foundation has once again received a large number of grant applications. These were all examined and checked for the requirement criteria of the foundation. Discussions were then held with the respective clubs. The projects were presented again, and the questions of the foundation were answered. The projects to be funded for 2015 were then selected. At the Plauen Lace Festival on 13 June, the clubs received the checks from Dr Gogsch, Board Member of the Plauen Community Foundation.
Mini HandBALL tournament project of SV 04 Plauen Oberlosa e.V.
Mini handball tournament with successful premiere

The Kurt Helbig Gymnasium in Plauen is used to sports and tumult. On Saturday, 21 March 2015, the tumult was very special. For the first time, the SV 04 invited the young members of the club to a mini handball tournament. There were athletes from Oelsnitz, Saalfeld, and, of course, from SV 04 Plauen-Oberlosa.
Read more … Mini HandBALL tournament project of SV 04 Plauen Oberlosa e.V.