Bürgerstiftung Plauen
In the Bürgerstiftung Plauen committed citizens from the city of Plauen joined together in 2012, to altruistically foster and develop education and socialisation work, youth and elderly welfare, art, culture and monument conservation, social issues as well as sports and nature conservation in a sustainable manner for the benefit of people living in the city of Plauen through a community foundation.
The Foundation Assembly determines the work of the Bürgerstiftung Plauen. Member of this Foundation Assembly may be any person who contributes at least € 2,000 to the endowment fund. The Foundation Assembly elects a Foundation Council consisting of 10 people, which is currently led by Foundation Council Chairman Gerold Kny. The Foundation Council elects a Foundation Board to publicly represent the Bürgerstiftung and conduct its operational business. The Foundation Board is currently headed by Foundation Board Chairman Prof. Dr. Bernd Märtner. As Foundation Vice Chairman serves Maik Immel – also Beate Schad, Ilona Gogsch and Gabriele Pecht are members of the Foundation Board.
Currently, the Bürgerstiftung has an endowment of approximately € 1,640,000. From donations as well as the proceeds of its interest and activities, the Bürgerstiftung fosters projects of associated clubs in Plauen, institutions, companies and initiatives which can be associated with the non-profit statutory purposes of the Bürgerstiftung. Prioritized projects are those with model and role model character, which follow an innovative approach to develop sustainability and broad appeal.
Any citizen can make an application to the Bürgerstiftung by mail or e-mail, using the appropriate application form.