Again 15,000 euros for the clubs
Foundation capital is defended against inflation
Foundation capital is defended against inflation
“Where is the journey going?” This question is primarily asked by investors who are currently experiencing global turbulence in the financial and capital markets due to the global corona crisis. A committee has been thinking about this for months in the top city too. Successful so far. The Plauen Community Foundation can go into the coming year with 1,750,000 euros in endowment capital. "We have a lot more effort to defend our good initial situation," the foundation board members make it clear that the problems have worsened again due to the virus pandemic. Many so-called consumer foundations in the Federal Republic are weakening because of the persistent low and negative interest rates. In case of doubt, no distributions will be made.
Community foundation in Plauen lives from volunteering
Because the Plauen Foundation is run purely on a voluntary basis, there are no horrendous administrative costs. The chairman Prof. Dr. Bernd Märtner and the board members Beate Schad, Dr. Once again, Ilona Gogsch and Gabriele Pecht made their final report available to the public. “We have tried extensively to protect the share capital against inflation and all other imponderables. The main priority is, of course, capital preservation. Of course, there is always a certain residual risk, ”emphasized Bernd Märtner. The Plauen Community Foundation currently has a total of 25 different financial investment products running. This is a wonderful thing for the common good of the city, because the commendable commitment of the board of trustees has positive consequences.
Despite Corona, 15,000 euros will go to the common good again
Again, 15,000 euros can be distributed in the coming year. This is all the more astonishing because 15,500 euros were made available this year, with the corona crisis now aggravating it. The community foundation thanks: “Among other things, we have received great donations from donors. The friends of the steam engine meeting are a very important and reliable partner, ”emphasized the board members. You can apply for cash grants from the foundation until November 30th.

Michael Rannacher and the 16 exhibitors also want to hold the next steam engine meeting as planned on November 1st, in compliance with the current hygiene rules. After over 500 adults came to the event hall of M & S Umweltprojekt GmbH for the first time, the Steam Engine Friends were able to hand over 700 euros this time. "The money is left over after deducting all costs," said Michael Rannacher happily. He hopes that numerous visitors will come to the steam engine show on November 1st despite the restrictions.
(Karsten Repert // BLICK)