Plauen community foundation is number two in Saxony!

Foundation meeting on June 26, 2020

Despite the interest rate and corona crisis, 16,000 euros will be distributed

Photo: Karsten Repert

If someone makes a profit during the interest rate and corona crisis, that's pretty remarkable. The Plauen Community Foundation can support eight projects with EUR 16,000. This is only possible because the entire team around the chairman of the board, Prof. Dr. Bernd Märtner and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Gerold Kny are all volunteering. The current 24 members once received money from the Hans Löwel Foundation as start-up capital. In 2012, committed citizens of the city came together in the Plauen Community Foundation to provide sustainable, selfless education, assistance to young people and the elderly, art, culture and monument protection, social issues as well as sport and nature conservation for the benefit of the people living in the city to promote and develop. They started with 1.4 million euros. Despite a few complicated financial years, the Plauen Community Foundation was able to increase its available capital to 1,674,000 euros, although most German foundations were hit very hard in 2019.

The year 2019 was very successful

Bernd Märtner was able to announce at the general meeting: "The Plauen community foundation remains the second most financially strong community foundation in Saxony after Dresden." For 2020, 16 project applications were received, of which eight projects can now be funded. The board members Gabriele Pecht, Beate Schad and Dr. Ilona Gogsch presented figures and project ideas in the Kurt Helbig Sports Hall. Then a vote was taken. What is particularly important to all those involved: “Every donor should be sure that their money really flows in full into the Plauen community and that not a single member of the foundation can hold their hands. None of us get paid for anything. As a foundation, we are publicly visible and therefore transparent. ”Announced the board of directors, the foundation council and the foundation assembly. From the perspective of this laudable initiative, 2019 was a very successful year. The steam engine exhibition taking place under the umbrella of the community foundation has further established itself and, with increasing numbers of visitors, makes a positive contribution to the community foundation's image and donations (528.00 euros). Effective public appearances at receptions, birthdays and anniversaries as well as active membership and cooperation in the Federal Association of German Foundations were used to improve the awareness of the community foundation.

Clever financial management brings income

The highlight of the year was the official awarding of the German Stifterpreis. The Plauen Community Foundation was one of the award winners. “The expenses for the foundation administration could be limited to 584.51 euros in 2019. Donations and endowments are thus largely undiminished available for the use of our foundation purposes. Thank you very much for all of you lending such selfless help to our cause. ”The conclusion after the 2019 financial year: Thanks to successful financial management, we were able to structure income from securities, interest and dividends in such a way that the purpose of the foundation could be fulfilled and the foundation assets nominally preserved. The amended financial investment guidelines proposed by the Executive Board and confirmed by the Board of Trustees made a significant contribution to this. In contrast to the previous year, taking into account the “hidden” reserves, the additional inflation compensation was achieved.

Link to the annual report of the chairman of the board, Prof. Dr. Bernd Märtner

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