Oberlosa village community
Rest area for hikers and cyclists in Oberlosa was created

The purpose of the Dorfgemeinschaft Oberlosa e.V. is, among other things, the maintenance and construction of lingering and viewing points on hiking trails in and around Oberlosa. [Nbsp]
After the construction of a bank on the Oberlosaer Linde in 2015 in cooperation and with financial support from the Oberlosaer Ortschaftsrat, in 2017 the creation of a further rest point with seating group (photo) u. a. be realized with the help of the Plauen Community Foundation.
The resulting rest area is on a hill between Unterlosa and Oberlosa on the so-called Bettelweg.
Since the Dorfgemeinschaft Oberlosa e.V., as a non-profit association, could not bear the costs alone, the Plauen Community Foundation contributed to the financing of the project. We would like to thank you very much for this!
Special thanks go to the carpentry Manfred Dornis, who waived any wages when creating the seating group, as well as to our members, who contributed countless hours of work to the creation!