Plauen Civic Foundation – 2016 Projects
Funds totalling 26,057 Euros were awarded in 2016
Z.U.M.B.A. in Plauen e.V.
Integrative girls' dance - offer for girls with a migration background in Hufeland School and primary school on the Wartberg
Mobile Jugendarbeit Plauen e.V.
Baby thinking time - purchase of two baby simulators "Shaking trauma" and "drug-damaged"
1. FC Wacker Plauen e.V.
Wacker-Bus 2016 - Subsidy transport vehicle due to the construction site at Helbigplatz
Rittergut Kauschwitz e.V.
Road construction access to the stone house - purchase of paving stones and repair entrance
Verein der Freunde Plauen e.V.
Equipping the arboretum with additional information - signage and equipping with QR codes of graves, wooded areas and hall
Elterninitiative Hilfe für Behinderte und ihre Familien Vogtland e.V.
Excursion as part of the holiday games in the Syrau special school
Förderverein für Berufsbildung Vogtland e.V.
Language training for integration - purchase of an interactive whiteboard to deepen language skills for young people in vocational training
Vomag-Gruppe des Vereins Freunde und Förderer des Vogtlandmuseums e.V.
Restoration of the chassis of a bus built in Plauen in 1927
Verein Plauener Spitzenfest e.V.
“Spitzenklamotten” - competition on experimental fashion with Plauen lace for young designers
Consortium musicum Plauen e.V.
Music from the renaissance for the maintenance of the Komturhof - financing of music director, clothing and partial rent
SV 04 Plauen-Oberlosa e.V.
Mini-TEAM - practice hours in day-care centers with ball games, independent of the club
Pfaffengut Plauen e.V.
"Apple time" from apple to juice - hand-operated fruit mill and fruit press for educational work