Plauen Civic Foundation – 2020 Projects
Kleingartenverein "August Bebel" e.V.
"Green & Smart" - three mini climate gardens "to go" - conversion of a plot into a climate change educational garden
Vogtländischer Fußballverband e.V.
Printing of brochures for the promotion of the volunteer officer in the clubs of the Vogtland Football Association // Securing the need for information in the area of "volunteering"
Unikat e.V.
Project expansion in the Handwerkerhof - equipment for new projects // gallery hanging system and ironing press
Imkerverein Plauen e.V.
Erection of four weatherproof display boards in the Aboretum in cemetery II for the bee, teaching and show garden
pro cognita e.V.
Establishment of an "Insider" reading cafe to promote language skills in children // Funds for furniture, inventory and books