Plauen Civic Foundation – 2015 Projects
Plauener Seniorenkolleg e.V. [Plauen Senior’s Council]
Music system for better understanding between speakers and audience members. This also allows for easy communication between the seniors and the speakers.
Evangelischer Montessori Schulverein Plauen e.V. [Plauen Evangelic Montessori School Association]
Restoration of Weidlich grave site and monuments so that students could experience and understand history.
Brücke Plauen e.V. [Plauen Bridges]
– a social training course
WKC – Wemaer Karneval Club e.V. Plauen [Plauen Carnival Club]
Traditional costumes for the newly-founded guards
Wohn- und Lebensräume e.V. [Living Spaces]
Hardware for Internet café for seniors in residential meeting point (Dittesstraße 60)
Unikat e.V. Werkstätten in den Weberhäusern [Workshops in the weaver houses]
Music system for the garden area to implement the new project “Listening and understanding”.
Tools for craft group for disabilities individuals, particularly with acquired brain injury after stroke, head injury, or brain tumour
Förderverein für Berufsbildung Vogtland e.V. Art Collektiv Plauen/Kunstgruppe [Foundation for Vocational Education in Vogtland, Plauen Art Collective]
Verein der Freunde Plauens e.V. [Association of the friends of Plauen]
Restoration of the first section of the cemetery wall along Chamissostraße in Plauen
Vogtländischer Bergknappenverein zu Plauen e.V. [Volgtland Miners Association in Plauen]
Fall protection for safety on the cliffs of the Dobenau
Kunstverein Plauen-Vogtland e.V & Malzhausverein [Plauen-Vogtland Art and Malt House Association]
Material for permanent exhibition of sculptures in the outdoor area of the malt house
Verein Vogtländischer Textilgeschichte Plauen e.V. [Association for the Textile History of Vogtland in Plauen]
Magazine for industry culture (VOMAG)
Förderverein Komturhof Plauen e.V.
Commemorations for the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Plauen
Sportgemeinschaft Jößnitz e.V. [Jößnitz Community Sports]
Construction of barrier-free access from the parking to the sports field
Joel e.V.
Development of green space for Karolastraße 55–57 in Plauen as a play area for children and adolescents