Plauen Civic Foundation – 2019 Projects

Youth and children's dance group: "Vergißmeinnicht" e.V. Plauen

Development and publication of a biography to mark the 90th birthday of Ruth Müller-Landauer (Plauener Neideiteln)

Verein Röttiser Dorfgemeinschaft e.V.

Book project – A chronicle of Röttis 1244 – 2019

Verein Plauener Spitzenfest e.V.

Plauen lace – ultra-modern for the 60th Plauen Lace Festival

Verein der Freunde Plauen e.V.

Realisation of a historical pavilion

Wohn- & Lebensräume e.V.

"Kiez 28" advice point and meeting place  – sports equipment

Heimatverein Straßberg e.V.

CD recording of the Trampeli organ in the zu Straßberg Church

Wir - in einer Welt - Plauen/Vogtland e.V.

External lectures on fair trade

Siedlerverein Plauen Westend e.V.

Chronicle of the residents' association to mark its 100th anniversary

Unikat e.V. Werkstaätten in den Weberhäusern

Workshops in the weavers' houses
Office equipment/project profits of the craftsmen's yard

Förderverein Rückertschule e.V.

Outdoor table tennis table for the secondary school

Verein Vogtländische Textilgeschichte e.V.

Series of publications on "Contributions to cultural and textile history"

SV 04 Plauen-Oberlosa e.V.

Uniform presentation garments for a majorette dance guard – procurement of guard boots

Förderverein Komturhof Plauen e.V.

Language requires movement, Purchase of an indoor climbing wall and procurement of an LED TV

Dorfgemeinschaft Oberlosa e.V.

Signposting on the Oberlosa circular trail

Pfaffengut Plauen e.V.

Upgrading the archery range

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