(2018-10-06) Donation
Michael Rannacher donated the proceeds of 261 euros from the Steam Engine Days 2017 to the board of the Plauen Community Foundation.
(2018-10-06) Press event of the Bürgerstiftung Plauen
The board of the Plauen Community Foundation had invited to a press conference to draw attention to the date of November 30, 2018. This is the deadline for submitting applications for funding from the Plauen Community Foundation, which will be awarded in 2019.
(2018-03-28) Annual general meeting
At this year's AGM at the Sternquell Brewery, the Plauen community foundation was able to show a very good financial situation. The capital available to the foundation has been increased from an original sum of €1,400,000 (2012) to €1,650,000 (2017), although €108,000 has been disbursed towards the foundation's charitable objectives.
(2018-01-15) Funding applications 2018
The available foundation capital is currently 1,636,000 euros. From investment income and donations, an estimated € 25,000 can be used for foundation purposes in 2018.
As of November 30, 2017, the Plauen Community Foundation received 30 funding applications from associations for a wide variety of projects. The applications have a volume of € 75,844.15 for 2018. Project interviews are currently underway with selected applicants. This gives the associations the opportunity to present their projects themselves and the Plauen Community Foundation can give tips here and there to verify the applications.
The award decision for project funding 2018 will be made at the foundation meeting on March 28, 2018.
Project funding for 2019 can be applied for using the application form by November 30, 2018.
(2017-11-30) Press event of the Bürgerstiftung Plauen
The deadline for applying for funding from the Plauen Community Foundation is approaching. Until November 30th. J. Plauen associations can submit their applications for their upcoming projects to the Plauen Community Foundation. Last year, 27 clubs did this - 19 received funding in 2017. Including various projects from the fields of sport, culture and social affairs. The community foundation is looking forward to many projects in and for the city of Plauen. Because she will use 25,000 euros for this in the coming year.
(2017-10-02) Donation
At the press conference on October 9, 2017, Michael Rannacher handed over the proceeds of 406 euros from this year's steam engine meeting to the board of the Plauen Community Foundation.
(2017-03-30) Annual general meeting
The Plauen Community Foundation held its annual general meeting on March 30th and was able to draw a positive balance. Maik Immel (Deputy Chairman of the Management Board) gave a lecture on the financial development of the plants and endowments. Gerold Kny spoke about the work of the Board of Trustees and Prof. Dr. Bernd Märtner (chairman of the board) provided information about the board's activities. Last year the community foundation managed to receive additional endowments and donations.
(2016-10-18) Press event of the Bürgerstiftung Plauen
In October, the Community Foundation invites to a press conference for a special reason. The Plauen Community Foundation would like to point out once again that the deadline for submissions for funding in 2017 is November 30th. In the press conference, the board members Dr. Gogsch, Maik Immel and Dr. Bernd Märtner informed about the responsible work of the committees. The changes in the financial market face those responsible for the foundation with new challenges. The Foundation's capital must be created under close observation and this must be done, above all, safely and with investments that increase the foundation's capital - despite the current low interest rates. The Plauen Community Foundation has managed this. Maik Immel says that they are applying a "risk-discipline".
(2016-09-23) Call for donations from Immobilienbüro Fritz Haupt GmbH
Immobilienbüro Fritz Haupt GmbH celebrated its 25th anniversary on 23 September 2016. In addition to selling and leasing properties, the Plauen based company specialises in the management of residential and commercial properties. To mark this anniversary, Managing Director Sven Franke asked his guests to make donations to the Plauen Community Foundation, since civic engagement in the city of Plauen is dear to his heart.
Read more … Call for donations from Immobilienbüro Fritz Haupt GmbH
(2016-03-30) Annual general meeting
At this year's annual meeting of the Plauen Community Foundation, the board was able to show a positive balance again. Due to the successful investment and active management of the financial foundation funds, a surplus could be achieved in 2015. Once again the members of the community foundation looked back over the projects funded during the year 2015. 25,770 Euros could be issued to clubs. For 2016, 34 project applications were submitted with a total financial cost of 73,226.13 Euros. The assessment and selection of projects was carried out analogously to the procedure used in 2015. At the project interviews a representative of the foundation board also participated. There is about 28,000 Euros available for projects in 2016. This year, elections were on the agenda of the Plauen Community Foundation. The Board of Trustees and the Executive Board were elected.