Annual general meeting
At this year's annual meeting of the Plauen Community Foundation, the board was able to show a positive balance again. Due to the successful investment and active management of the financial foundation funds, a surplus could be achieved in 2015. Once again the members of the community foundation looked back over the projects funded during the year 2015. 25,770 Euros could be issued to clubs. For 2016, 34 project applications were submitted with a total financial cost of 73,226.13 Euros. The assessment and selection of projects was carried out analogously to the procedure used in 2015. At the project interviews a representative of the foundation board also participated. There is about 28,000 Euros available for projects in 2016.
This year, elections were on the agenda of the Plauen Community Foundation. The Board of Trustees and the Executive Board were elected.
Activity report of the Board for 2015
- In 2015, as in previous years, the Foundation's funds were managed, project funding allocated and public relations practiced;
- 12 board meetings were conducted voluntarily and there were no financial contributions to the Board members (i.e. no attendance fees, travel expenses or similar.);
- For 2015, 20 applications for funding were requested. All applicants who submitted formal applications with proper content (i.e. corresponding to the funding of the Community Foundation) were invited to interviews by the Executive Board to present their projects. At the project interviews, representatives of the Foundation Board also participated. Subsequently, projects were selected and they were presented and coordinated with the Board of Trustees. On 13.06.2015 the selected applicants were invited on stage at the Plauen Altmarkt at the highlight of the festival and presented with symbolic cheques to a total of € 25,770. In the meantime, most of the projects have been implemented and properly accounted for. Funding of approved projects that were withdrawn, not or not fully implemented, was fed into the budget for 2016 from a Board resolution of 02.12.2016;
- For 2016, 34 project applications were submitted with a total financial cost of 73,226.13 Euros. The assessment and selection of projects was carried out analogously to the procedure used in 2015. At the project interviews a representative of the foundation board also participated. There is about 28,000 Euros available for projects in 2016.
- Above all, the successful investment and active management of the foundation financial funds, associated with extremely stringent spending policy, generated an economic surplus after deduction of expenses in 2015 for project support - to a total of € 5,004. We did better than in previous years with solicitation of donations and endowments as well as gaining in members who contribute financially to the foundation, but have not yet succeeded to the possible and desired extent. Here there is a continued need for action for the future;
- Due to the low interest rates, the recent financial investment guidelines have been revised, adopted by the Board and approved by the Board of Trustees;
- Based on the experience gained, the existing funding guidelines have been revised, adopted by the Board and approved by the Board of Trustees;
- Compared to previous years, the publicity of the Community Foundation has been further intensified. Press conferences and many print and broadcast announcements of planned and of successful projects largely contributed to improved awareness of the Plauen Community Foundation as did the well-maintained Foundation website. The distribution of the Foundation flyer, active membership in the Association of German Foundations and
- In contrast to the general trend of financial foundations - increasing project funding scopes contributed significantly to the further improvement of the image of the Community Foundation;
- All regulatory inquiries were answered in full and on time. The charitable status of the Plauen Community Foundation was ensured without reservation.