Annual general meeting
At this year's AGM at the Sternquell Brewery, the Plauen community foundation was able to show a very good financial situation. The capital available to the foundation has been increased from an original sum of €1,400,000 (2012) to €1,650,000 (2017), although €108,000 has been disbursed towards the foundation's charitable objectives.
Successful financial management has led to income from securities, interest and dividends increasing by €37,993.78 despite extremely low interest rates. This record result is partly due to one-off results, and is unlikely to be repeated in 2018. For 2018, 30 of the city's associations submitted funding applications with a total cost of approx. 76,000 euros. Each of the associations was invited to a discussion so that we could find out more about the project and to make any refinements to the application which may have been necessary. 25,000 euros will once again be distributed to projects this year. The associations will receive written notification of their funding. The symbolic handover of the cheque will take place at the Plauen Spitzenfest again.
Last year, the foundation was also successful in raising its profile in the city and throughout Germany. This also results in endowments and donations for the Plauen community foundation. Public appearances at receptions, birthdays and anniversaries, as well as our active membership in and cooperation with the Association of German Foundations, contribute to disseminating information about the work and goals of the Plauen Community Foundation.
The Executive Board's activity report for 2017 can be read here. (click here)
Following their endowments, Haustechnik Haubenreißer GmbH and M&S Umweltprojekt GmbH have each received a place in the foundation's assembly.