First funding transferred

The current situation
The Wacker Jugendprojekt / Wacker Youth Project 2013 started in June 2008. At that time the association had four youth teams which was fairly decent in comparison to the region of the Vogtland. However, our traditional association had to realize right before our 100th year of existence (July 2007) that a kind of low point was reached. Only a few association supporters were willing to take action without any compensation. There were only five youth workers in the association. In summer 2007, initially a three-member group got together who were soon ten and later even 15 people. June 29, 2008: The Wacker Jugendprojekt / Wacker Youth Project 2013 got on track. Today this project has actually outgrown because no one had expected nine youth teams. Certainly not with 25 volunteer coaches of whom each one guides two training sessions and one match per week for an average of 150 children. With such dimensions, the association has financially reached its absolute limit. Just one example: The 1. FC Wacker does not pay any gas allowance and we also do not plan on doing so because it would simply be too expensive and threaten the overall success of the project. For this reason there even never existed the possibility to organize a party for these 25 youth coaches at all. Many of the coaches do not even know that there is such a project in their association. This has changed now. At the end of the Wacker Jugendprojekt / Wacker Youth Project 2013 the 1st Wacker Nachwuchsfest / Wacker Youth Festival took place on June 29 at which all children and teenagers celebrated with their coaches.
The Wacker Jugendprojekt / Wacker Youth Project 2013
Our goal: Until June 30, 2018, we would like to improve the training conditions of our coaches in a way that makes it fun to be a Wacker coach. According to the quantitative excellent basic work, a leap in quality is to be accomplished. Important: Also the Wacker Jugendprojekt 2018 / Wacker Youth Project 2018 should not primarily get into public awareness. This ensures that a potential external pressure does not occur in the first place. This means that the association continues to pursue this project in a patient and calm manner.
The project in detail
- uniform clothing (polo shirts)
- uniform coach folders including player passport covers
- 10 portable coach lockers
- internal training activities (planned 4 × 2 hours per season) with a lecturer for each trainer obligatory
- the A-, B- and C-Youth should try to play higher-class during this period of time
- the number of youth teams should be increased and stabilized at ten teams
- there will be drawn up a list with names in order to gain more new coaches
- there will be recorded an internal player’s file with all important parameters for each player starting at D-Youth
- there will be founded a perspective team 2020 on May 30, 2013 (responsible: Andreas Seidel) – this team consisting of three to four experienced coaches has the task to never loose track of the project 2018 and also to seek a short dialogue with the young talents (A, B, C and D) on a quarterly basis informing them about the project status and bonding them to the association
- focused goalkeeper training with the goalkeeper of the 1st Men’s Team starting at C-Youth
- each year a Wacker Nachwuchsfest / Wacker Youth Festival will be realized