Plauen Civic Foundation – 2014 Projects

Unikat e.V.
Property (600 m²) within the Elsteraue, which is directly adjacent to the club's premises, is to be cleared and converted into an audio garden. This garden is intended to give students better access to language and communication.
Gymnastics and Dance Association Vergissmeinnicht e.V.

The project "Dance around the rowan tree" serves to maintain Vogtland customs. The funds are intended for choreography, training, costume cleaning, dance shoes etc.
Living and living spaces e.V.
Multi-generational neighborhood “Lively neighborhood” Opening of a neighborhood center / neighborhood meeting point at Bahnhofstrasse 30 for seniors, children and families - financial resources are intended for pottery courses (initial equipment, consumables).
Erich Ohser e.o.plauen Foundation
"Erich Ohser on the 70th anniversary of his death" - Creation and printing of a brochure "On the trail of e.o.plauens" in Plauen and the Vogtland.

WKC-Wemaer Karneval Club e.V. Pllauen
“WE - across all social boundaries” - The integration of socially disadvantaged association members is to be strengthened through targeted measures.
Vogtland Mining Association e.V.
Preservation of the western Dobenau castle wall through renovation; Approval under monument protection law is available.
German Alpine Association Section Plauen-Vogtland e.V.
Stabilization of the energy supply of the Plauener Hütte, renewal of the hydropower system including pressure pipeline as a second energy generator in addition to the PV system installed in 2013.
Garden Association "Good Hope II" e.V.
Creation of a natural hedge to reduce the force of the wind and opportunities for songbirds to breed. (125 plants and 10m³ earth).

SV 04 Plauen Oberlosa e.V.
SV 04 Young Talent Project 2014 - Implementation of a mini game festival for children born between 2006 and 2009 in Plauen with participants from Plauen, Saxony, Bavaria, Thuringia. This should be the basis for the establishment of the game festival in the following years. The funds are to be used for child-friendly play equipment, team equipment and tournament organization.
Sports and Ball Game Club Plauen e.V.
Speed Badminton - A new sport for Plauen - Promotion of sport in Plauen; With the implementation of the still relatively unknown sport, a new enthusiasm should be awakened, especially among young people. Funding should be used for public relations, participation in courses for trainers, rental costs for hall operation, acquisition of basic equipment.
Association of Friends of Plauen e.V.
On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the cemetery II - renovation of one of the most art-historically significant tombs of the complex (tomb of praying angels) - exemplary for the renewal / preservation of further historical elements in the future arboretum in Plauen.

Friends of the Komturhof Plauen e.V.
Acquisition of 120 folding chairs (wooden version) for the convent building of the Komturhof.
Friends of Pfaffengut Plauen e.V.
Optimization of nature and nature education work by purchasing suitable materials and devices.
German Innovation Center for Embroidery e.V.
Award of an audience award on the occasion of the international design award for embroidery "stickstich 014 Plauen-Vogtland" in order to draw the population's attention to the development of the embroidery industry.
Literature & Co.e.V.
The “Schmökersofa” series of events is intended to make literature accessible to the people of Plauen in a new way.